Learn Chinese: standard sentences 9

天气怎么样? Tiānqì zěnmeyàng ? How is the weather?

天气很好。你想出去吗? Tiānqì hěn hǎo. Nǐ xiǎng chū qù ma ? The weather is nice. Do you want to go out?

我想去买东西。 Wǒ xiǎng qù mǎi dōngxi. I want to go shopping.

你想去哪儿买东西? Nǐ xiǎng qù nǎr mǎi dōngxi ? Where do you want to go shopping?

我想去火车站后面的小商店买东西。 Wǒ xiǎng qù huǒchēzhàn hòumian de xiǎo shāngdiàn mǎi dōngxi。 I want to go shopping in the little shops behind the train station.

他怎么去北京? Tā zěnme qù Běijīng ? How does he go to Beijing?

他坐火车去。 Tā zuò huǒchē qù. He goes by train.

我想买中国茶杯、水果和米。 Wǒ xiǎng mǎi zhōngguó chábēi, shuǐguǒ hé mǐ. I want to buy Chinese tea cups, fruits and rice.

我不会开车。 Wǒ bú huì kāichē. I do not know how to drive.

下雨了! Xiàyǔ le ! It’s started raining!

这些苹果多少钱? Zhè xiē píngguǒ duōshǎo qián ? How much are these apples?

两块钱一个。 Liǎng kuài qián yí gè. 2 (yuan) each.