• Online Chinese courses

    Learn Mandarin Chinese with a clear and structured method.
    Prepare the HSK language certificate.


    Learn Chinese - online Mandarin Chinese courses

    Learn chinese with this MOOC of Mandarin Chinese. These online Chinese Mandarin courses are organized according to the programs of the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK).

    These courses are written and maintained by John Columeau (LI Tianxiang 李天翔), a certified Chinese teacher.
    Enjoy high-level courses and specialist advice!

    Learn to speak, read and write Chinese simply with this dynamic and structured method. Prepare the HSK by training yourself on dynamic tests similar to real tests!

    Formation pour les entreprises

    For companies

    By teaching both chinese language and cultural codes, our methodology will give solid skills to your employees who will quickly adapt to the Chinese world.

    >> Learn more

    Formation pour les éducateurs

    For educators

    Gain efficiency by offering hybrid courses with our platform that will allow you to monitor your students' progress and accelerate their learning.

    Formation CPF

    Training supported by the CPF

    Hybrid courses* (e-learning + private lesson in videoconference with a teacher) supported by the CPF (Personal Training Account), benefit from a more personalized follow-up and official certification (LILATE).

    * Hybrid courses are only offered for the CPF.

    >> Learn more

    Formation pour les particuliers

    For individuals

    Discover Chinese and Chinese culture independently at extremely competitive prices and benefit from shared educational support on the Forum. Prepare for the HSK, the Chinese language certificate issued by China.

    Mandarin Chinese Courses

    You don't know your Mandarin Chinese level?
    Test your level for free:

    HSK Niveau 1

    Level 1

    Average study time: 50 hours
    10 sequences / 150 new words
    Complete simulation of HSK 1 tests

    39,00 €

    HSK Niveau 2

    Level 2

    Average study time: 50 hours
    10 sequences / 150 new words / 300 words
    Complete simulation of HSK 2 tests

    39,00 €

    HSK Niveau 3

    Level 3

    Average study time: 100 hours
    12 sequences / 300 new words / 600 words
    Complete simulation of HSK 3 tests

    49,00 €

    HSK Niveau 4-1

    Level 4 part 1

    Average study time: 100 hours
    11 sequences / 300 new words / 900 words
    Complete simulation of HSK 4 tests
    a bank of 420 questions

    49,00 €

    HSK Niveau 4-2

    Level 4 part 2

    Average study time: 100 hours
    10 sequences / 300 new words / 1200 words
    Complete simulation of HSK 4 tests
    a bank of 770 questions

    49,00 €

    HSK Niveau 5-1

    Level 5 part 1

    Average study time: 100 hours
    12 sequences / 300 new words / 1600 words
    Complete simulation of HSK 5 tests
    a bank of 800 questions

    49,00 €

    HSK Niveau 5-2

    Level 5 part 2

    Average study time: 100 hours
    12 sequences / 450 new words / 2050 words
    Complete simulation of HSK 5 tests
    a bank of 800 questions

    49,00 €

    HSK Niveau 5-3

    Level 5 part 3

    Average study time: 100 hours
    12 sequences / 450 new words / 2500 words
    Complete simulation of HSK 5 tests
    a bank of 800 questions

    49,00 €



    Access to all training
    For advanced users
    For those who progress quickly
    To pass several HSK levels

    99,00 €
    Apprendre le chinois en 3 étapes

    Begin to learn Chinese in 3 steps !

    • 1- Create account
      >> Click here
    • 2- Confirm your account
      By clicking the link in the email that was sent to you. Attention ! If you haven't received any email, contact me.
    • 3- Enrol
      Into course listed below or to the entire website. >> Learn more
    • Congratulation!!!
      You can embark on the discovery of the Chinese language and culture.

    With Learn-chinese.online, you get:

    Des cours structurés et progressifs

    Structured and progressive Chinese courses

    Une progression spiralaire

    A spiral progression

    Un apprentissage interactif

    Interactive learning

    Une immersion dans la culture chinoise

    An immersion in Chinese culture

    Des préparations au HSK

    HSK preparations

    Des tarifs extrêmement compétitifs

    Extremely competitive rates

    Overall training satisfaction score:


    Evaluated based on the average of end-of-training satisfaction surveys.

    336 students studied Mandarin Chinese with Learn-chinese.online in 2024!

    Last video

    Must see!

    All YouTube video

    In order to improve your learning abilities, I highly recommend you to watch these videos.
    The first 5 lessons of level 1 are also available on video to facilitate the beginnings of learning Chinese, certainly the most difficult stage of your course.

    >> Subscribe to my YouTube channel

    About me

    With over 16 years of experience teaching Mandarin Chinese at all levels, Jean Columeau, by his Chinese name LI Tianxiang (李天翔 Lǐ Tiānxiáng), is a certified Chinese teacher. His career as a teacher was influenced by 8 years of work as a sworn translator and interpreter in Mandarin Chinese, which made him aware of the needs of the professional world. Its pedagogy places particular emphasis on the balance between the communicative and formative aspect of language learning while paying great attention to the acquisition of cultural codes.

    Married to a Chinese, these courses benefit from the enormous advantage of a Franco-Chinese couple: the French part understands the difficulties of a Westerner in learning Chinese, while the Chinese part brings all the authenticity to the language and to culture. This dual cultural perspective is clearly visible in the site's training courses between level 3, which presents Chinese culture as discovered by a Westerner, and level 4, which addresses the culture seen by the Chinese. You can learn more in the part “The method”.

    Founder of learn-chinese.online

    >> Discover his complete career



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